Established in 2016, Ross Realty emerged as a visionary venture founded by four brothers – Paul, Ken, Nigel, and Shane. Combining their extensive sales experience and inherent talent, the Ross brothers infused the real estate market with a fresh perspective that continues to resonate today.
Since our inception, Ross Realty has evolved into a dynamic force, now boasting a robust team of experienced professionals specializing in both sales and property management. Our commitment to excellence has garnered recognition, making us one of the most trusted names across Perth where we consistently deliver award-winning real estate services.
At the core of our success lies the collaborative spirit of our dedicated team. The Ross brothers, alongside our large team of skilled professionals, work in unison to ensure that every client’s real estate journey is characterized by satisfaction and success. We take pride in our personalized approach, attention to detail, and genuine enthusiasm for achieving positive outcomes for our diverse clientele.
Ross Realty invites you to embark on your real estate journey with confidence. Whether you’re navigating the competitive property market or seeking expert guidance in property management, our collective expertise is at your service. Join the many satisfied clients who have experienced the Ross Realty difference – a journey marked by excellence, integrity, and a commitment to exceeding expectations.
Ross Realty are proud sponsors of these local clubs and initiatives
If you’re thinking of selling, buying or leasing, support your local real estate agency that supports your local community.